
Do you text? Rodman Library does! You can send questions to a librarian at Rodman Public Library through our new text-a-librarian service. Simply send a text message with your question to 330-356-8133. Within a short time during regular business hours, a reference staff member will send an answer to your phone. Now Rodman Library and its reference department are always at your fingertips.

You can also receive text message notifications from Rodman Public Library. These include: courtesy notices received a day or two before your item is due, hold pickup notices received the same day as when your requested items become available for you to pick up, first and second overdue notices, and new items that match your preferred searches so you can easily find out what has been recently cataloged in your favorite topics or by your favorite author.

Text notifications are best used in conjunction with email notices so you can get the full details or you may call the library at 330-821-2665 to find out what is available and where to pick it up.